So I got my first response from a stranger, and I'm really excited about that. I hope more people that I don't know start reading this blog, and i hope they find it fun, interesting, entertaining, and educational. Also, thank you to Victoria for the insightful commentary on my last post, I will definitely address that in the near future.
Anyway, I just want to talk a little about the things I hate about the internet. First, as you can see from the video I posted, I hate all these videos about ugly/hot asian high school girls. I think some Japanese guy made this video of Korean girls. Ok they are funny......but seriously, it's pretty racist. I keep seeing all these videos of beautiful Taiwanese girls and videos of ugly korean and japanese girls. I always joke with my friends that Taiwanese girls are the hottest, but seriously, there's no significant correlation. Every country has hot and ugly girls. Why the hell do Asians express so much racism against each other? I always keep seeing "dirty jap" "dirty chinese" "dirty korean" all over the internet. The real enemy is the Indians....just kidding. But seriously, I wrote an essay on Japanese inferiority complex for one of my classes, but I think to a certain degree it applies to all the Asian nations.
In my essay, my main theme was that before WWII, Japan had successfully matched the western powers in terms of a thriving society, but they felt disgraced by the Korean and Chinese, who we're still relatively backwards compared to Japan. Japan's line during the war was something like "Japan seeks to rescue our Asian brothers from the shackles of Western imperialism," which meant colonizing taiwan and korea and modernizing them, which they did. Koreans might hate to admit it, but they are a modern society today because of Japan's imperialism, not that imperialism is morally right. So Why did Japan do this? My feeling is that they we're so proud of their achievement, but at the same time, still connected with the other Asians and felt disgraced by them, so they wanted to lift them out of their backwardness to make it seem as if Asians we're superior to the White man.
Anyway, I still think it's terrible all the racism against other Asians all over the internet. Insulting the other Asians, is not gonna make white people think you are superior...and it shouldn't make you feel better about yourself either. Sometimes I see Chinese or Koreans say to each other "you dog eater". WTF? Both of them eat dog..and what's so wrong with eating dog if that's in their culture. You're just being ignorant.
The other thing I hate about the internet, is all the pornography. A couple weeks ago I turned off Google explicit site blocker(I'm a loser, I had no idea you could turn it off) and I was hoping to find some funny picture by some crazy Japanese comedian or something, so I typed in "Japanese". Guess what, nothing but porn, go ahead, try it(with your parent's consent of course). What is up with that? The word "japanese" brings up porn before anything else? cuisine, history, culture, religion, society?
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16 years ago
I hate racism on the internet too, especially youtube.
You know what though? Racism is still so real and rampant, especially between China, Korea, and Japan. Why do I think that this is so? Well, I would like to point to the lasting effects of Japanese colonialism of Korea from 1910 to 1945; however, I think another huge reason correlates with my comment on your other entry: the Japanese government has yet to REALLY apologize through their actions.
Oh yeah, and I think that Japanese people having 981273 land disputes with China and Korea plays a role in that too, haha.
I just wanted to make a comment about the Japanese during WWII. The idea that "Japan seeks to rescue our Asian brothers from the shackles of Western imperialism" really shouldn't have been their slogan since that's not how the Japanese thought at all.
Japan didn't invade Korea and China to save Asia from the White man. While this may have been the original intent when Japan started its own modernization, it definitely changed somewhere along the way. The unbelievable brutality of the Japanese military in Korea and Nanking were definitely not acts of brotherly compassion.
I think once Japan successfully modernized itself, it grew greedy and decided it would be easier to join the Western imperialists in ransacking the rest of Asia rather than try to work against them. After decades of emulating Western politics, technology, and fashion, they continued on to emulate their overseas expansion. Japan's invasion of other countries was purely for Japanese gain. While Taiwan and Korea were indeed modernized under the Japanese, in my opinion, it isn't any better to be under one type of imperialism than another. You don't rescue other countries from colonization by conquering them for yourself.
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