Monday, July 14, 2008

Historic flights

A couple months ago, there was a really interesting election in Taiwan. The left party supported relative Taiwanese independence from China, while the right party pledged to ease tensions and promote economic ties.

I supported the right party, and honestly....I cannot imagine why anybody would ever vote for the leftist party.

Just a week or so ago, Taiwan and China established historic flights between their nations. Previously, there were no direct flights between China and Taiwan. It was ridiculous. Two neighbors cannot even establish a flight to see a relative because of stubborn heads in office. So this is great news, millions of Chinese are going to be able to visit Taiwan, and will greatly help Taiwanese tourism industry. I hope, and expect, more economic relations to come and further help both economies.

Seriously, if you look at history, every single disaster or war has basically been become of one small incident or a few stupid men who could not come to terms with each other. The strait between China and Taiwan is one of the world's most potentially disastrous places in the world. All it takes is one hot head here or there to spark a major war.

So i'm glad both these great nations are restoring ties and easing tensions. I can't for the life of me see how any rationale human being would ever vote for a party that pledges to seek independence from a mainland China that is bent on bombing and invading to prevent independence.

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